These were taken by the photographer at wedding. These and other pictures can be viewed on his website: (link on sidebar) Emily was being quite ornry.
We hit the beach sat morning before we headed back home. Kiera at the wedding. This one and the one of Emily are the only pictures I got at the wedding. It was a little hot for Kiera, I guess. She was pretty ornery. Daddy trying to get Kiera to try the water. She didn't like it. Emily loves to swing. She tried to con everyone into believing she can't do it by herself (but we learned she can). She'd do it when she thought no one was looking, and no one would come push her. She could talk soft-hearted Gramma Maxine into doing the job. "Ahhh... This is the life..." I love all beautiful plants Bill and Maxine have ...on the way down
We've been enjoying the outside so much!!!! I guess I've been sort of in a daze. I haven't even taken any pcitures. Here some I took a while ago, it seems I forgot to post them.